Deploy to the Nexus¶
When joining the CodeMC Project, you will be given a login for our Nexus service. The Nexus Service from CodeMC allows you to distribute your project for others to integrate into their own projects as a library, using their build management tools.
We will explain how you can setup automatic deployments to the Nexus within this page.
Remember to follow our Usage Guidelines on how to use our services to not be punished.
Before you can deploy your project to the Nexus, you will first need to do some preparations to ensure that everything will work as expected.
You first need to login to your CodeMC Account and head towards the project you own that should have automatic deployments setup.
Configure Project¶
How you configure your project is slightly different depending on the build manager you use.
- Press the Configure button on the left-hand side.
- Scroll to the Build Environment Section and press **Use secret text(s) or file(s).
- In the appearing sub-menu, press Add and select Username and password (separated)
For the Username Variable and Password Variable text boxes, set a fitting name to use.
These text boxes are NOT for your actual username and password. They are used to set the Environment Variable names that jenkins should use to get the respective values.
Set Credentials to nexus-repository if it isn't selected already.
- Move to the Build Section.
- Should you not have any Build settings yet, follow these steps:
- Press Add build step and select Invoke Gradle script.
- Press Use Gradle Wrapper and make sure that Make gradlew executable is checked.
- Set
clean publish
as the value for the Tasks field. You may add additional tasks if needed.
- Should you already have Build settings, update them to execute the
- Should you not have any Build settings yet, follow these steps:
- Save your changes.
Unlike Gradle does Maven not require any particular preparations, as the Jenkins service will automatically inject the required username and password from its global configuration to use.
Should you not have a Build task yet in your Build section, follow these steps:
- Change Maven Version to that of your project's and set Root POM to the path to your main
file (Usually justpom.xml
). - In the Goals and options field, put
clean install deploy
. You may add additional tasks if needed. - Save your project.
In case you already have a Build task, make sure that Goals and options includes deploy
Configure your Build files¶
Once your Jenkins Project is ready can you update your pom.xml
, build.gradle
or build.gradle.kts
, depending on the tool used.
Add or update the following section to your pom.xml
<id>{username}</id> <!-- (1) -->
<url>{username}/</url> <!-- (2) -->
- Replace
with your lowercased GitHub Username used to login to CodeMC. - Replace
with your lowercased GitHub Username used to login to CodeMC.
Press the icon for extra info.
Add or update the following parts:
plugins {
// Other plugins
id 'maven-publish'
// Other content (Group, version, ...)
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
groupId =
artifactId = "projectname"
version = project.version
repositories {
maven {
url = "{username}/" // (1)
// (2)
def mavenUsername = System.getenv("GRADLE_PROJECT_MAVEN_USERNAME")
def mavenPassword = System.getenv("GRADLE_PROJECT_MAVEN_PASSWORD")
if (mavenUsername != null && mavenPassword != null) {
credentials {
username = mavenUsername
password = mavenPassword
- Replace
with your lowercased GitHub Username used to login to CodeMC. - You need to replace
with the values you have defined in the Prerquisites section of this page.
Do NOT directly set the username and password here, as it would allow anyone to take and use it!
Add or update the following parts:
plugins {
// Other plugins
publishing {
publications {
create<MavenPublication>("mavenJava") {
groupId =
artifactId = "projectname"
version = project.version
repositories {
val mavenUrl: String? by project
val mavenSnapshotUrl: String? by project
(if(version.toString().endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) mavenSnapshotUrl else mavenUrl)?.let { url ->
maven(url) {
val mavenUsername: String? by project
val mavenPassword: String? by project
if(mavenUsername != null && mavenPassword != null) {
credentials {
username = mavenUsername
password = mavenPassword