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Creating a Maven Job

This page explains you step by step how to create a Build job on CodeMC for a Maven Project.
For how to add a Gradle project, check the Creating a Gradle Job page.

Creating the Job


In order to create a job will you need to be added to the Site first, if you haven't already.
To get added, join the Discord Server and follow the instructions in the #info channel.

  1. Go to (Replace :user with your user/organisation name)
  2. Enter the job name in the top text box, and select Maven project. Click the OK button at the bottom of the page.
  3. Your job is now created! You should be redirected to the configuration page.


Here are some recommendet configuration settings to set.


  1. In the Source Code Management (SCM) section, click on the git radio button.
  2. Click on Add repository and paste your repository URL in the corresponding text field.
  3. If you want to build only a specific branch, can you define it in the Branch Specifier field.

Build Trigger (Optional)

Note that you can configure CodeMC to automatically build each time you push changes to GitHub.
A tutorial for this can be found here.

  1. Click on Poll SCM
  2. Put */5 * * * * in the large text field, to make CodeMC check your GitHub project every 5 minutes.

Build Environment (Optional)

It's recommended to enable Add timestamps to the Console Output



In order to build a maven project using JDK 8 you will have to use a workaround

  1. Write the path to your pom.xml in the Root POM field.
  2. In the Goals and options field, set your default maven goals.
    • If you want to deploy the artifacts to the CodeMC repository will you need to follow the steps explained in the FAQ

Post-build Actions

  1. Click on the Add post-build action button.
  2. Select Archive the artifacts.
  3. In Files to archive put target/*.jar (default build directory) or **/target/*.jar for multi-module projects.
  4. Click on the Advanced button and set **/target/original-*.jar in the Exclusions field.


  1. Click the Save button. All changes will now be saved and applied and you will be redirected to your job's page.
  2. To launch your first build, click the Build Now button on the left side.
  3. CodeMC will now queue a build job and execute it. If you want to see the console of it, click on the rotating icon next to the build number under the Build History section.