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GitHub Integrations

Below can you find some tutorial to integrate the CI server of CodeMC into GitHub (or vice-versa).

Add CommitStatus

To add a CommitStatus of CodeMC to GitHub, follow these basic steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Generate new token
  3. Give the token a descriptive name (i.e. CodeMC-CommitStatus) and grant it the following Scopes:
    • repo
    • admin:repo_hook
    • admin:org_hook
  4. Click on Generate token and copy the generated code.
  5. Head over to (replace :organisation with your user/organisation name)
  6. Click on Configure and under Projects, click the Add button right next to the Credentials field.
  7. A drop-down menu should now open. Click your user/organisation name.
  8. Eneter your username and use the copied token as password. Then Click Add.
  9. Select the credentials in the drop-down menu and click Save.
  10. You're done!

Automatically build

When you want CodeMC to automatically build artefacts once you push commits to your repository, can you follow these steps:



These webhooks will work for events fired on repositories of the entire Organisations.
If you only want webhooks to be triggered for specific repositories, setup one for a specific repository

  1. Go to (Replace :organisation with the name of your organisation).
  2. Click Add webhook
  3. Put as the Payload URL.
  4. Under Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? select Let me select individual events and enable the below options:

    • Pull requests
    • Pushes
    • Repositories


    You can also leave the setting on "Just the push event" if you only want pushes to trigger it

  5. Click Add Webhook

  6. You're done!


  1. Go to (Replace :user with your user/organisation name and :repo with the repository name).
  2. Click Add webhook
  3. Put as the Payload URL.
  4. Under Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? select Let me select individual events and enable the below options:

    • Pull requests
    • Pushes
    • Repositories


    You can also leave the setting on "Just the push event" if you only want pushes to trigger it

  5. Click Add Webhook

  6. You're done!