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How to use the NMS Repository?

CodeMC offers a NMS Repository that allows you to download and use specific NMS content from a particular version, without having to do things like running BuildTools yourself.
To use the Repository, add the below displayed content to your pom.xml or build.gradle(.kts) file.

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    <version>{version}</version> <!-- (1) -->
  1. Replace {version} with the same version you would use for the Spigot API.
    As an example, if you use 1.21-R0.1-SNAPSHOT for the Spigot API would you also need to use it for the NMS repository.

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repositories {
    maven{ url = "" }

dependencies {
    compileOnly("org.spigotmc:spigot:{version}") // (1)
  1. Replace {version} with the same version you would use for the Spigot API.
    As an example, if you use 1.21-R0.1-SNAPSHOT for the Spigot API would you also need to use it for the NMS repository.

Press the icon for extra info.

repositories {

dependencies {
    compileOnly("org.spigotmc:spigot:{version}") // (1)
  1. Replace {version} with the same version you would use for the Spigot API.
    As an example, if you use 1.21-R0.1-SNAPSHOT for the Spigot API would you also need to use it for the NMS repository.